COVID-19 Updates for Reiki Treatment or Training 

We are greatly looking forward to being able to see you. Although things will look a little different than usual, our love & level of service will still be paramount. Please know the below changes are to keep the health & safety of both our clients & employees at the forefront.

Client Updates due to COVID-19:

  • Masks: We will require masks to be worn at all times unless you must temporarily remove due to a service being received or if you have a documented medical reason to not be able to wear one.
  • We will have disposable masks available for purchase of $2.00 should you need one.
  • Check In: Upon arriving for your appointment please text and someone will meet you outside on the front porch of the building. Your temperature will be checked and a COVID-19 questionnaire will be presented.
  •  If you have a fever of 100 or more you will be asked to return home immediately.
  • Please arrive at the time of your appointment. Should you arrive early or if your practitioner is not ready for you we ask if could wait in your car if possible.
  • Venmo, Paypal and Square will also be permitted for receiving payment to reduce cash transactions.
  • Personal Items: We ask that you please limit these to only carry in the necessities.
  • If you need to bring in in a beverage please ensure it is in a closed container. No food will be permitted.
  • Limited Capacity: We will be opening under half capacity to give time to properly sanitize between clients. Thank you for your patience during this time. 
  • Guests: Only clients & their caregivers, if needed, will be allowed within our doors.
  • Although you will not be able to see the smiles behind our masks, know that we are beaming from ear to ear to see you.

With love & virtual hugs,

Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC

All writing and information on this website is protected by © Copyright 2020 Maria Kammerer, Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC.