Gratitude Journal: Gratitude Practices

Give the gift of gratitude. Gratitude journal with practices, contemplations, space for journaling and blank pages for drawing. This journal supports your wellbeing, so that you can feel less stressed and more grateful each day. If you water gratitude with your attention it will grow!

Great gift for yourself and for loved ones!

One Time, One Heart, One Humanity

Creating clothing and apparel to share a positive momentum of change and healing with the world. People are powerful, so use your power to shine the light on what is good. Share gratitude, share peace, share laughter and smiles with others. Because there is only One time, One Heart, One Humanity.

Grateful to share these new offerings with you. I've seen many funny and profound t-shirts and often enjoyed seeing the way that inspiration or smiles can be spread from the simplest things. Check out the many options and colors available on Red Bubble under, Attune: The Art of Reiki or follow the link below.    


All writing and information on this website is protected by © Copyright 2007 Maria Kammerer, Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC