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Feeding Peace

Last fall I decided it would be nice to feed the birds. We hung a bird feeder in the window so that we could see the birds when dishes were being washed. It was really nice but then the feeder broke. I still had a lot of bird seed and it was getting colder outside. I thought about the birds going hungry. So every day I scattered bird seed out on the porch.

Very quickly the birds and squirrels would gather or stop by to see if there was any food. It was quite nice to have their company into the winter. In the spring I noticed that we had an unprecedented amount of nature going on. There were several birds’ nests with babies, a few bunnies had made their home, bees, butterflies and even a deer with its newborn moved in.

It felt so good to witness all of this beauty and natural rhythm. Eventually, I forgot about the bird seed. I stopped feeding the nature around me. I only remembered it, because one day I looked around and noticed that there was not much animal activity. The animals had gone elsewhere for nourishment.

I'm telling you this story because this is like the practice of healing. When we want to heal or be peaceful we feed that peace and healing with Reiki, meditation, mindfulness, or many other ways to practice. Then we begin to flourish, we grow in abundance, variety and unexpected but delightful ways. It’s just like the nature around my home that grew stronger. We feel great. Alive and present in our lives.

Then maybe you stop practicing, you forget or get out of the habit of making time for it. The healing or peace gets covered up by the noise of a busy life, the stress, the old habits. Our rhythm of healing and expansion slows down. Before long we notice we are not feeling as good as before and guess what? That is okay because we know what to do. We just forgot! It happens, do not worry.

Meditation, Reiki, mindfulness and your true nature is here and ready to be dusted off again. Through this process of ebb and flow we become aware; more dedicated to our practice of feeding and recognizing our peace.

With Love,


All writing and information on this website is protected by © Copyright 2007 Maria Kammerer, Attune: The Art of Reiki, LLC.